Sunday/ Monday ish (of last weekish):
I was doing my normal singing like Cinderella as I unloaded the dishwasher, "tra la la this is my favorite thing to do EVER"-when I came across a kitchen quandary if you will. I was putting the utensils away when I noticed that there are clearly one too many slotty thingies.
Exibit A
What the heck! Does anyone know what that extra slotty thing is for?!?
Sometimes, to mix it up I have TWO fork drawers instead. I know, livin on the wild side.....
Wednesday/Thursday ish-
I call my husband as I get off of work. And I am all, "Tra la la-work is my favorite thing EVER," basically the same thing I say everyday. And he is all, "Guess what! I did laundry!" When I get home an hour later (yes, yes this IS how long it takes me to get may start feeling bad for me now) guess where all the lovely exciting loads o laundry goodnees are??? On top of my glorious bed. It is like the piles are just sitting there, taunting me-MmMMM this bed is sooo comfy, it is too bad there isn't enough room on here for both of us....oh well...MMmmm. Thanks HONEY.
I made a wonderful, delicious, tasty, fantastic, throw-everything-in-and-viola-you-have-dinner-crock-pot-meal!
First, I chopped things up (thanks to SLAP CHOP, the best birthday gift ever! thanks patrick!).
Then, I threw stuff in.
Then, I hit "On".
Then, I was all, "Tra la la- this was the best dinner-EVER".
The End.