Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy One Year Anniversary to US!

Warning: squishy, mush, gushy, lovey, dovey things ahead.

A year ago today I was preparing for one the of the BIGGEST days of my life. A year ago today Mr. Z and I began this crazy journey called marriage. It has been one blessing after another from the moment we said, "I DO!" If I was an eloquent fancy schmancy writer I would paint a beautiful picture of our mushy gushy love story. But this is why I have a husband. The following is an adorable poem he wrote me for Valentine's Day.

My Bride
A Valentine's Day Poem for my One True Love
I stand here so nervous, in front of a crowd
My heart, it beats, ever faster now. 
My eyes search the room, but still have not seen 
The one I am waiting for, my beautiful Bride to be. 
Then all of the sudden, I hear the crowd stand
And it's all I can do, to steady my hand. 
For now in the back of that joy filled room
Stands my breathtaking Bride, smiling back at her groom. 
My eyes start to fill, but so does my heart
For I remember how I loved her from the start. 
She walks down the aisle, with beauty and grace
Her hand in her father's, with tears on his face. 
But these tears are not sad, these tears of her father
For he knows in his heart, I'll always care for his daughter. 
She now stands before me, this Angel of mine
And out from her eyes, the heavens do shine. 
Each part of her perfect, all of her, just for me
For my heart, I know, she alone holds the key. 
And there in that church, before God and man
My Beloved, my Everything, she gave me her hand. 
I will always be filled, with love, joy, and pride
Because you, Kelsey, will forever be my Beauty, my Bride!

Husband-I love you! Thank you for our first amazing year together!!

Here is to many many more adventures together in this journey called marriage :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Going Green-Fail

I have this plant. At work. I have been in the process of trying not to kill it since like October. First, it was a lovely reception area plant. When it started turning brown I added WATER PLANT to my outlook calendar AT WORK so I wouldn't forget to not kill it. Then, I decided, "Plants need light to live! I must move the plant to light!". I relocated plant into the kitchen at work and placed it right in the window. Surely! This was the answer!

And then my plant turned brown again. A recall from some random taking care of plants memory told me that plants do well when you put coffee grounds in the soil. How convenient! The coffee pot lives next to the plant, I will just add coffee grounds. Surely! This was the answer!

And then my plant turned brown.....AGAIN. In a last stitch effort not to kill my plant I decided, as if I never had this thought in my life whole life, "Plants need light to live! I must move the plant to light!" My brilliant idea was to move the indoor plant, outside. In Phoenix. Which is a desert. Oh, did I tell you it has been triple digit degrees since the end of May. Oh, did I also tell you that I forgot my plant for 3 hours outside. Surely! This was the answer!

Needless to say, I think my plant is seeing its last days. I don't think leaves are supposed to be so limp. Weird, I know.

In other news we have been having car problems. The kind of car problems that when we turn a corner or touch a break there is a grinding noise akin to this:

So, Mr.Z had an idea how to fix it. Underneath the car was this gross, oil soaked mud flappy thing that had been loose for months. He thought it was scrapping on the tires when the moved. Last night just as the sun was setting he decided that was the perfect time to pull the mud flap off. During his initial attempt he realized that a) the mud flappy thing was soaked in oil and so he was going to be needing gloves and b) he was pretty sure whatever else under there was going to give him espestic poisoning. Well, of course we don't have gloves of any kind so here was our solution:

Yes that is a hand towel from the bathroom tied around his face. And yes, those are in fact zip lock bags around his hands.

A little manuvering is all it took to get that gross mud flap off our car.

Once we were set, we got in the car to run errands. And then, the noise came back....

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

All The Right Numbers

Hello Internet. I have missed you. I wish I could tell you that I was out doing amazing things without you but you know that I would be lying. I was in fact, doing the opposite of amazing. I was preoccupied with that eevvvviiilll four letter word- W.O.R.K.
My numbers have been off for weeks people!
-50 ish hours work weeks
-100ish versions of the same spreadsheet
-6 ish hours of sleep a night
-Hundreds ish of miles driven

In my perfect dream world of regular work days these things are not normal.
But, all was not lost on me.

First, here is proof ...actual physical PROOF...that there are others like me out there:
Let me explain. It comes with perfectly proportioned adorable mini packages of spices. It has a CHECKLIST on the back of everything you need to complete the meal. It is a perfect packet from kitchen heaven that tells me how to make dinner--delicious nummmy dinner.
Here are the numbers I needed to become gourmet chef**** for the night:
--1 tablespoon olive oil- ah ha! I have this
--6 chicken breasts-amazing! I have like 8 of these
--red potatoes-$.50 for 5 of them!!
--fun packety thing of spices--check!

****Let me mention that a large percentage of my personal definition of being a "gourmet chef" is a) do I have to go shopping for ANOTHER random ingredient that I don't have readily available? Cause if I don't- gourmet chef!
and/or b) If I do have to go shopping, can I spend under 2$ to get what I need? If so-gourmet chef!

Believe it our not I have had all the right numbers throughout the weeks--in the kitchen.