Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I just realized that I have not officially posted about the new addition to the household of adventures. His name is CHARLIE. Yes, Charlie as in, "Charlie bit me. Ouch, Charlie that huurrt!" (If you don't know what I am talking about you have been living under a rock, but go here!)

Here is the thing about puppies. You can't just go look at them and then go home, which was our plan all along back in October. "Lets just go look, husband!, said I.  We walked into the door at breaders and he ran up to us and practically jumped into our arms! It killed me. When we left, we drove one block away and I said to husband, "Wait! Stop! We can't lllleeeaaavvveee him!"

He shot us with these puppy eyes (I call them "zingers", because I am both clever and whitty) and we couldn't resist him. I get zinged with these on a daily basis and can barely say no. I am going to be so bad once we start having actual human babies.

So here is the real story for my bloggity blog today. Since our puppy was unplanned (hehe) and we had a trip home for Christmas planned since September we decided we need to bring him home with us. So, the weekend before I decided to do a load of laundry of Charlie related things in preparation for our travels home-towels, ugly Christmas sweaters (of course) AND a Charlie blanket.

The blanket was a last minute decision. A brilliant one at that. It was one of those throw blankets that I have had for years with no tag. A tag that probably would have said something like, "dry clean only" or "never put this in the washing machine." Instead, I ended up with a murderish looking scene in my washing machine. Oh, did I mention the blanket was maroon.

Besides for the blanket bits all over the place everything in the washing machine was died a nice shade of maroon. That was fun. Luckily, as mentioned before this load was all of Charlie's things, and not something of great value. But still. This WOULD happen to me. I didn't have any other solution to this mess except for a willing husband and a vaccum arm.
I would like to blame the whole ordeal on Charlie. Because it is totally his fault. But then he zings me with those eyes and does stuff like this, and nothing could ever be his fault.

Eeeek soo squishylilpuppyfreakinface!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Turkey Day

I know it is totally niave of me to think (perhaps even totally ridiculous!) that you have all been waiting and waiting for a new post from me. I am like the boy that hasn't called you back since......hmmm...haven't posted since September. It would appear that I am just not that into you.

But appearance are deceiving internet! I have been thinking about you alot! So today I said, "Dear Life, I don't care how you are busy with other things. I am going to write a blog on my lunch break whether you like it or not. Love, ME."

So, Thanksgiving.

My story begins about 2 weeks ago. When I realized, "Hey, I am cooking my very first Thanksgiving all by myself for like 6 whole people this year. I should probably get on buying a turkey." Translation: Husband, go pick out a turkey while I shop for other fun things because I am avoiding the fact that I HAVE TO COOK THANKSGIVING DINNER THIS YEAR. Result: 21lbs turkey, curtosey my husband's ability to shop with his eyes and stomach only. GIANT.

Fast forward to the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Oh hey, big giant turkey. I should probably start thawing you out now because you are ONLY 21lbs and I probably should have started a week ago.

Fast forward to Tuesday morning. Oh hey, big giant turkey. WHY ARE YOU DEFROSTED ALREADY? ISN'T THAT SUPPOSED TO TAKE FOREVER! Oh yea, and thanks for the turkey blood all over my fridge. Lucky for you I didn't have anything important on that shelf. I will get you back...just wait until THURSDAY.

So Thanksgiving finally roles around. I have been terrified all week mind you. Conjuring up plan B, C, and D because the turkey defrosted too early and therefore DINNER WAS RUINED.

But thanks it large part to Mrs. AMAZING MEYERS dinner went off without a hitch. Better than was delightful, moist, carby dinner yummyness. And Mrs. AMAZING MEYERS did pretty much everything. Turkey - delicious thanks to her stuffing knowledge. Cannied yams - amazing thanks to her knowledge of ol' family recipes (BUTTER). Cranberry Sauce-unreal thanks to her knowledge of knowing how to make freakin cranberry sauce. From SCRATCH (that means our cranberry sauce did NOT look like the can it came out of! Cause it didn't come out of a can!). I am all kinds of jealous of her knowledge, but greatful I did not have to resort to plan B, C or D (Hello Boston Market? Is it too late to order a whole dinner 3pm on Thanksgiving day?).


But! I did accomplish something myself!

It is called Turtle Pumpkin Pie. Aka cheaters pumpkin pie because there is no baking involved!

All you need:
Pre-made graham cracker crust
Vanilla instant jello pudding
Pre-made pumpkin puree
CARMAL SAUCE....nom nom nom
A little of this and a little of that (cause a gourmet chef NEVER gives away her secrets ...hehe)

So all in all : Thanksgiving just got OWNED. Housewife adventures style.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sale Rack Woes

Target. "Tar Zeah". I love you, I do but I am still not sure how I feel about my most recent jaunt through your bountiful sale racks that always call my name. Let me tell you why you have upset me Target Sale Racks:

1) I found this great skirt. Black, pencil, stretchy! Stretchy= comfortable! A comfortable work skirt ON SALE...eeeeeekkk!

So this skirt, it also has these cool bike shorty meshy shorts underneath. Kinda of fun, a little weird.
I was going to be fine with this weird addition to my $5.00 skirt, however, weird meshy shorts = swishy noises when my thighs rub together! UGH. I only discovered this at work when I wore my fun new $5.00 SKIRT! and it started making noise while I was walking. I walked like a duck for the rest of the day to avoid the musical noise my thighs make when they rub together. Thanks for the reminder Target. Love ya.

2) This might be the most depressing story you have ever heard. I found this FABULOUS lil dress. I can wear it to work, I can wear it casual. IT IS MULTI-FUNCTIONAL $15.00 amazingness.

It is adorable. It is flattering scoopneck wonderfulness. It is loose flirty sleeves. It HAS POCKETS. I hugged it and squeezed it and brought it home with me. Then I saw this:
Incase you are wondering. Kelsey is NOT preggers. So this. This = HORRIFIED KELSEY. I haven't brought myself to take the tag off. I don't know what to do with it. Cause guys! It is sooo cute on me! But! I am not shouldn't be! AARG. 

So Target. You are not my favorite person right now. 

In other news, if you have ever wondered what would happen if you have a full open box of rice in your hands and something falls on the floor and you bend over to pick it up. Don't worry, I have got you covered:

Now you know. 

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I am a bad blogger. I know. It has been like A MONTH since I have seen you internet. Slap me on the hand for bad behavior!

So, last I saw you, I was in Venice. I had planned to do oh so much more blogging than I did :( That is what you get for a) not bringing your own computer and b) having a brother-in-law who is taking an online class = any extra time given for said blogging is instead used for homeworking-lame!

I promise to do a tell-all blog about Italy.....soonish. But first, I must tell you about my Craftiness O' Harry Potter costume. The back story is this: I am involved in Wyldlife (a YoungLife ministry for middle schoolers-what what! I love middle schoolers in all their awkward glory). Every other week we have clubs- where kids come to hang out, play games, and hear a little bit about Jesus. Friday's club is HARRY POTTER THEMED. Now if you know me at all you know Harry Potter was never really my thing ( a) because I had much more important fantasy/sci fi novels to be reading. Harry Potter-psh, child's play in my world.... and b) LETS DO TWILIGHT THEMED CLUB!).

However, I also rarely miss an opportunity to dress up. Therefore, harry potter club this week is the most amazing thing ever. Now, craftiness by my definition does not equal actually MAKING things from scratch. I barely know how to handle a a needle and thread. So, fabric cutting and sewing machine operating are not on my resume. In fact, if that is how I had to create my harry potter costume there would be a lot of Elmers glue involved.  Craftiness in my book = how awesome of a costume can you make by going to GOODWILL.  The answer my friends will amaze you. BEHOLD:

Please note: Magic wand = chop sticks! I also intend on punching out the lenses in the glasses so I don't go blind. If I get REALLY crafty that night, I might also draw a lightning bolt on my forehead.  Because I am that EPIC.

In other news. Here is what is going on in the Zingerman house tonight. Mr. Z sat on gum today. We have no clue how to get gum out of scrubs. Thus, we googled, "how to get gum out of scrubs." Google told us to put ICE on it. Knowing that google is king of knowledge, we complied:

 Google also said to scrape the gum off with a "parking knife". What the heck is a parking knife!?! If I use a kitchen knife will I ruin these beautiful baby blues??

OH life! Internet it is good to be back.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Yay! I finally have internet and enough time to breath/relax which always = blogging. Word.

To pick up where I left off from my last blog-we left Thursay AM eeeaaarrrlllly and traveled for 1 million hours. I actually don't know how long it took because I have lost track of days and time here. All I know is Thursday morning I was already running on like 3ish hours of sleep-super pumped for ITALY and FINALLY Friday night Venice time (2 am time at home) I was a hot mess sitting on the waterfront eating dinner. That would be the Venician water front--but you know, no big deal.
But it felt like 100 years passed....and I woke up in a DREAM:

Now for the fun part. Venecia (cause that is right, I speak Italian now)! Un-be-live-able. First, I love how Italians give directions here (more on that later) but when all six of us (Me plus Mr.Z, his parents, grandma and his brother) get off the water taxi with everything we own and little-to-no sleep we are instructed to turn left at the first gelateria (mmmmmmmm) and follow that street until we reach the shoe shop. Then take a right and left down your first alley. Easy Peasy. You would never guess our adorable bed and breakfast was down this seemingly creepy alley-way.

Alberto was waiting for us (the Inn Keeper). Not pictured. Although, Mr.Z's brother does kind of look like he belongs in the floating city. Aleberto, however, looked like he belonged on a sail boat- go figure. "Zingerman, no?" he said as we entered....obviously late. Before we left to wander the city for the night he pulled out a map and marked all the best spots for dinner, pizza, gelato, cafe latte, etc.  We had our first 4 course meal on a side street in Venecia that night, complete with octopus. I would show you the picture, but you don't want to see what I looked like up close this night. I told you- HOT. MESS. However, before dinnter we couldn't NOT stroll the streets doing cute romantic Italian things like this:

Afer dinner it was a special time of night. Gelato time. MMmmmhhmmmm. Heaven on a cone. We bought gelato and decided to walk over to Piazza di San Marco. Keep in mind, the oldest man made building I have ever laid eyes on is probably the 1st Starbucks in Seattle. SO LAME-I know. When we turned the corner, not only was I abosultely floored by the Basillica (church) but also, Venice decided to have a fasion show in the Piazza that night. Old world verses new world looks something like this:

And this:

But that enormous golden beautiful church at night, was most impressive:

And this is just a door! Not even the main entrance door! Just a random off the the side door!

We finally got to go to sleep after this amazing walk. Only 109123098234098324908234 hours later.

The next morning was full of touring. We got to see the church during the day. We were not supposed to take pictures inside but my rule breaking husband does what he wants:

We walked all over the city that day. My feet fell off by the end and I may or may not have fallen asleep everytime we stopped to sit down. But it was totally worth it.

 We "wrapped" up our time in Venice with a nice little GONDOLA RIDE "bow" - because, OF COURSE we did!

So far, everything I have ever dreamed about this place has come true.

Our next hub O' Italian adventure is in non other than a bed and breakfast in Tuscany. Shut up, I know. Much to come-Ciao

Ps. The computer I am on hates me. It takes 100 hours to load one picture and it keeps randomly deleting my stories! UGH. In conclusion, I love you all enough to not get frustrated and stop. And throw this computer out the window. I will not be defeated-adventure on!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ciao Bella!

We are departing for the airport in approximately 4.5 hours. In the last 2 days I have covered all the essentials:
-Pay Bills : CHECK
-Stop Mail: CHECK
-New Hair: CHECK

Normally, I get all excited to get a hair cut/ color. Then I get there and the EXPERTS aka hair stylists say something like, "Yes, yes I understand. We will make it really natural and blendly like**"
**actual words sound more experty. Then, I get home and I am all...I kind of have highlights but I wanted MORE. BOO NATURAL. So this time I said-no talking me out of it! Blonde. NOW.

So I am going to ITALY tomorrow-nbd right.  According to "travel expert" Rick Steves, I should have started packing at least a week ago.  Bad Kelsey. I started last night and got this accomplished:

Not bad I would have to say. Take that EXPERTS.
Ricky boy had a few other suggestions that I thought were semi amusing (See
-If you won't wear it more than three times, don't bring it

PPSSSHHH. I am going for 2 weeks Rick Steves. 2 WEEKS. I need to look cute for Italy, I will NOT be wearing the same outfit 3 TIMES. No but seriously, I am so crafty I got a lot of variety into that teeeny tiny suitcase!

-You should pack about 20 percent of your body weight. preferably no more than 20 lbs

.....shifty going on a diet as soon as I get back.........

Well I hope you all join me on my adventure around the world (and all the adventures in my home when I get back! **Shameless self promotion-READ MY BLOG. Also, leave comments! I love your comments-they are like food to my SOUL)

CIOA BELLAS (Bye Beautifuls!)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Traveling Fool

I feel like I have been/will be traveling for like a whooooole month after the dust in my life settles. Which is not yet. First, I moved= crazy. Then 4 days later I went home to Seattle = craZAY. Next, I am leaving for Italy a WEEK from Thursday= CRA-ZY mmmmkay. Internet I promise I am not making excuses (cause, no excuses man!) but this is the first time I have touched my computer in like 2 weeks. But, I have thought about you a lot-if that makes you feel better. 

I started off my most recent trip with this little gem:

SkyMall-I LOVE YOU. Seriously, I have already found a reason that I need these mermaid flippers. Tsunamis people! My personal irrational fear-freaking giant tsunami taking out California and making it straight to my door step. You never know! I NEED these.

Another thing I got to experience was -demon dog. Please observe:

If it is not sticking out in your face obvious this mini dog had a freaking 5th leg...if ya know what I mean....ehm. Besides for that this dog had soulless demon dog white eyes that I couldn't take a picture of because I was sitting in the park pretending to text whilst taking this picture. They reminded me of this:


Anyway, Internet Housewife Adventures is traveling for the next couple of weeks. Check back for ITALY- creepy Italian trees and backwards hand waving. Yes yes and BEAUTY  of course!  CIAO  

*** OOOH OOOH also! When I FINALLY get  my apartment set up there will be pictures! I llloooovvvee this place. If I could give it a giant hug every night I WOULD. 

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Happy One Year Anniversary to US!

Warning: squishy, mush, gushy, lovey, dovey things ahead.

A year ago today I was preparing for one the of the BIGGEST days of my life. A year ago today Mr. Z and I began this crazy journey called marriage. It has been one blessing after another from the moment we said, "I DO!" If I was an eloquent fancy schmancy writer I would paint a beautiful picture of our mushy gushy love story. But this is why I have a husband. The following is an adorable poem he wrote me for Valentine's Day.

My Bride
A Valentine's Day Poem for my One True Love
I stand here so nervous, in front of a crowd
My heart, it beats, ever faster now. 
My eyes search the room, but still have not seen 
The one I am waiting for, my beautiful Bride to be. 
Then all of the sudden, I hear the crowd stand
And it's all I can do, to steady my hand. 
For now in the back of that joy filled room
Stands my breathtaking Bride, smiling back at her groom. 
My eyes start to fill, but so does my heart
For I remember how I loved her from the start. 
She walks down the aisle, with beauty and grace
Her hand in her father's, with tears on his face. 
But these tears are not sad, these tears of her father
For he knows in his heart, I'll always care for his daughter. 
She now stands before me, this Angel of mine
And out from her eyes, the heavens do shine. 
Each part of her perfect, all of her, just for me
For my heart, I know, she alone holds the key. 
And there in that church, before God and man
My Beloved, my Everything, she gave me her hand. 
I will always be filled, with love, joy, and pride
Because you, Kelsey, will forever be my Beauty, my Bride!

Husband-I love you! Thank you for our first amazing year together!!

Here is to many many more adventures together in this journey called marriage :)

Monday, June 14, 2010

Going Green-Fail

I have this plant. At work. I have been in the process of trying not to kill it since like October. First, it was a lovely reception area plant. When it started turning brown I added WATER PLANT to my outlook calendar AT WORK so I wouldn't forget to not kill it. Then, I decided, "Plants need light to live! I must move the plant to light!". I relocated plant into the kitchen at work and placed it right in the window. Surely! This was the answer!

And then my plant turned brown again. A recall from some random taking care of plants memory told me that plants do well when you put coffee grounds in the soil. How convenient! The coffee pot lives next to the plant, I will just add coffee grounds. Surely! This was the answer!

And then my plant turned brown.....AGAIN. In a last stitch effort not to kill my plant I decided, as if I never had this thought in my life whole life, "Plants need light to live! I must move the plant to light!" My brilliant idea was to move the indoor plant, outside. In Phoenix. Which is a desert. Oh, did I tell you it has been triple digit degrees since the end of May. Oh, did I also tell you that I forgot my plant for 3 hours outside. Surely! This was the answer!

Needless to say, I think my plant is seeing its last days. I don't think leaves are supposed to be so limp. Weird, I know.

In other news we have been having car problems. The kind of car problems that when we turn a corner or touch a break there is a grinding noise akin to this:

So, Mr.Z had an idea how to fix it. Underneath the car was this gross, oil soaked mud flappy thing that had been loose for months. He thought it was scrapping on the tires when the moved. Last night just as the sun was setting he decided that was the perfect time to pull the mud flap off. During his initial attempt he realized that a) the mud flappy thing was soaked in oil and so he was going to be needing gloves and b) he was pretty sure whatever else under there was going to give him espestic poisoning. Well, of course we don't have gloves of any kind so here was our solution:

Yes that is a hand towel from the bathroom tied around his face. And yes, those are in fact zip lock bags around his hands.

A little manuvering is all it took to get that gross mud flap off our car.

Once we were set, we got in the car to run errands. And then, the noise came back....

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

All The Right Numbers

Hello Internet. I have missed you. I wish I could tell you that I was out doing amazing things without you but you know that I would be lying. I was in fact, doing the opposite of amazing. I was preoccupied with that eevvvviiilll four letter word- W.O.R.K.
My numbers have been off for weeks people!
-50 ish hours work weeks
-100ish versions of the same spreadsheet
-6 ish hours of sleep a night
-Hundreds ish of miles driven

In my perfect dream world of regular work days these things are not normal.
But, all was not lost on me.

First, here is proof ...actual physical PROOF...that there are others like me out there:
Let me explain. It comes with perfectly proportioned adorable mini packages of spices. It has a CHECKLIST on the back of everything you need to complete the meal. It is a perfect packet from kitchen heaven that tells me how to make dinner--delicious nummmy dinner.
Here are the numbers I needed to become gourmet chef**** for the night:
--1 tablespoon olive oil- ah ha! I have this
--6 chicken breasts-amazing! I have like 8 of these
--red potatoes-$.50 for 5 of them!!
--fun packety thing of spices--check!

****Let me mention that a large percentage of my personal definition of being a "gourmet chef" is a) do I have to go shopping for ANOTHER random ingredient that I don't have readily available? Cause if I don't- gourmet chef!
and/or b) If I do have to go shopping, can I spend under 2$ to get what I need? If so-gourmet chef!

Believe it our not I have had all the right numbers throughout the weeks--in the kitchen.

Monday, May 17, 2010

The Week in Rewind

Well there would have been at least two blog post last week. If my phone hadn't been all, "Dear Kelsey, I hate you and am going to stop letting you email pictures to yourself. By the way, I will keep working in all other areas except the way you want me to." Then I had to be all, "Dear phone, please don't hate me. If you work for me just this once I promise to not call tech support and waste hours of my time and yours to hear them ask me, 'Maam have you tried turning your phone off and turning it back on.''--I had a very compelling argument to say the least and now my phone loves me again-yay! So heres what you missed:

Sunday/ Monday ish (of last weekish):
I was doing my normal singing like Cinderella as I unloaded the dishwasher, "tra la la this is my favorite thing to do EVER"-when I came across a kitchen quandary if you will. I was putting the utensils away when I noticed that there are clearly one too many slotty thingies.
Exibit A
What the heck! Does anyone know what that extra slotty thing is for?!?
Sometimes, to mix it up I have TWO fork drawers instead. I know, livin on the wild side.....

Wednesday/Thursday ish-
I call my husband as I get off of work. And I am all, "Tra la la-work is my favorite thing EVER," basically the same thing I say everyday. And he is all, "Guess what! I did laundry!" When I get home an hour later (yes, yes this IS how long it takes me to get may start feeling bad for me now) guess where all the lovely exciting loads o laundry goodnees are??? On top of my glorious bed. It is like the piles are just sitting there, taunting me-MmMMM this bed is sooo comfy, it is too bad there isn't enough room on here for both of us....oh well...MMmmm. Thanks HONEY.

I made a wonderful, delicious, tasty, fantastic, throw-everything-in-and-viola-you-have-dinner-crock-pot-meal!

First, I chopped things up (thanks to SLAP CHOP, the best birthday gift ever! thanks patrick!).

Then, I threw stuff in.

Then, I hit "On".

Then, I was all, "Tra la la- this was the best dinner-EVER".

The End.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Saturday morning I woke up to a bloody bloody kitchen scene I haven't seen in months (like at least since the last time I cleaned my microwave):
Unfortunately, this picture doesn't even do justice to the food corpses that covered this small space. There were even casualties I could never have anticipated:

This poor guy never even knew what hit him.

But, as with any good war story there were heros that emerged amongst the wreckage:

And after a hard fought battle, the sun came out once again:
(can't you just hear the angelic "awwwwww")

Update on my pantry situation-the universe keeps telling me it is time to start that project. I got some sort of food bank/food drive notice in the mail today. I am sure I have cans of stuff in that pantry that I bought thinking I would eat, and still never had. I haven't actually started this project-but I am thinking about it more! That has got to count for something!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Kelsey Bakes Cookies

Guess what - I had a baking win! That is right folks, I actually did not fail in the kitchen last week-weeeee. Of course, I kind of sort of cheated-I made cake batter cookies. It is kind of hard to mess up when all you do is buy the cake batter (which has all the correct proportions of baking soda AND baking powder) and add eggs and oil.

Step one-buy FUNFETTI cake batter and mix ingredients

Step two- grease cookie sheets

Step three-read in directions to NOT grease cookie sheets, then grab paper towels and wipe down previously greased cookie sheets
Notice that this paper towel indicates just how much baking I do in my house!

Step four- clean-with soap and water-previously greased down cookie sheets

Step five-read in directions to make 1/2 inch balls of dough. Think to self, how does one measure inches in a sphere, then attempt - * it is crucial that you indent dough with thumb, because it is fun and because you don't have the flour the box called for so at the end you get to eat left over cookie dough all over your fingers! **please note, calories obviously don't count on any left over cookie dough

Step six- frost yummy cookies with rainbow chip frosting. Behold the greatness:

Step seven-force cookies onto co-workers, friends, husband's friends, etc and watch them as they eat the cookies so they have to tell you they are the best cookies they have ever had.

7 simple steps to a baking win.

In other news-I have 4 whole followers on my blog!! That is almost one hands worth of fingers! -and yes, you don't have to point out that one of them happens to be my husband, he still counts!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Things To Do Before I Move

This post brought to you by-my beautiful new apartment!

Old apartment:
Why Old apartment sucks:
- GIANT kitchen in center of floor plan. I have nothing against giant kitchens, mind you, but giant kitchens in small apartment = 4 whole people and fit in your little living room.
-Separated living/dining areas. When giant kitchen is in between small living area and dining area it feels like EVEN LESS THAN 4 people fit in your apartment. This is sad when you like people :)
-Teeennnyyyy tiiinnnnnyyyy deck. Seriously, I can fit like 1 whole chair out there. Oh, and we look out onto a lovely garbage bin. Beautiful.
-Many other things.....

Why New apartment = years of happiness:
-Note, the fantastically appropriate size kitchen in the upper left hand corner.
-Note, the fabulously connected living/dining space. I envision 100ish people fitting comfortably in that living space. Party time.
-Big Giant Deck. Need I say more.
-Floor plan from heaven.
-Oh! and! we get an attached garage, AND our deck looks over the pool! two super awesome bonuses for us.

So now I have to start on projects. Projects I have been putting off since we moved here. Projects I would rather blog about then actually start on.

Project #-1- Sad Pantry

This is bad. I know. I hate it. Yet, I do nothing about it, I continue to throw everything I buy into my pantry without even a second thought. It has a door, so I just shut it and it is like I don't have any problems! To the right, is the upper part of my pantry, so that top shelf is like 8ft high! How does one even use a shelf that high effectively! Also note, I did at one point in the past 8 months THINK about organizing this space. Proof is in those small selfy things in the back of the middle shelf. You may or may not be able to see them for there is about a trillion things in the way. Will update yal'll on the things growing in here when I get to it. Sorry for the eye sore folks :)

Project #2-Scary Spare Bedroom/Office
This picture is blurry like in those scary movies where someone is going to jump out of the closet. This is how I feel every time I walk into this room. Mini projects to note: pile o mail on the ground on the left, sell and/or throw away giant ugly lamp, there was no space in my 4 person living room for that coffee it just sits in the room collecting Mr. Z's study material. He is this room more than me, so I am going to totally blame all the judgement this picture will bring onto my housewifeness on him.

Other projects: our closet and our bedroom. Things that would bring so much judgement upon me that I wouldn't dare posting "before" pictures on here...but I will gladly post all my "after" pictures for all your praises at another time.

Right now, however, I don't have time for these things because the laundry is calling my name and my poor husband hasn't had a meal since lunch ya'll! How could I make him wait all the way until dinner to eat again ? :)