Monday, May 17, 2010

The Week in Rewind

Well there would have been at least two blog post last week. If my phone hadn't been all, "Dear Kelsey, I hate you and am going to stop letting you email pictures to yourself. By the way, I will keep working in all other areas except the way you want me to." Then I had to be all, "Dear phone, please don't hate me. If you work for me just this once I promise to not call tech support and waste hours of my time and yours to hear them ask me, 'Maam have you tried turning your phone off and turning it back on.''--I had a very compelling argument to say the least and now my phone loves me again-yay! So heres what you missed:

Sunday/ Monday ish (of last weekish):
I was doing my normal singing like Cinderella as I unloaded the dishwasher, "tra la la this is my favorite thing to do EVER"-when I came across a kitchen quandary if you will. I was putting the utensils away when I noticed that there are clearly one too many slotty thingies.
Exibit A
What the heck! Does anyone know what that extra slotty thing is for?!?
Sometimes, to mix it up I have TWO fork drawers instead. I know, livin on the wild side.....

Wednesday/Thursday ish-
I call my husband as I get off of work. And I am all, "Tra la la-work is my favorite thing EVER," basically the same thing I say everyday. And he is all, "Guess what! I did laundry!" When I get home an hour later (yes, yes this IS how long it takes me to get may start feeling bad for me now) guess where all the lovely exciting loads o laundry goodnees are??? On top of my glorious bed. It is like the piles are just sitting there, taunting me-MmMMM this bed is sooo comfy, it is too bad there isn't enough room on here for both of us....oh well...MMmmm. Thanks HONEY.

I made a wonderful, delicious, tasty, fantastic, throw-everything-in-and-viola-you-have-dinner-crock-pot-meal!

First, I chopped things up (thanks to SLAP CHOP, the best birthday gift ever! thanks patrick!).

Then, I threw stuff in.

Then, I hit "On".

Then, I was all, "Tra la la- this was the best dinner-EVER".

The End.


  1. Most flatware sets come with a dinner fork, salad fork, dinner spoon, tea spoon and a butter knife. So to keep each size separate you would need 2 fork slots, 2 spoon slots and 1 knife slot. Then you could put the steak knives in your dart board!
